To be rejecting the camera!! W was sitting at his little table watching Sponge Bob, while S was in his swing right next to him. I look over and W is holding S's hand. It was TOO cute. I run to get my camera, but of course by the time I came back he had let go... *sigh*.
At that point I already had my camera out, so I decided to snap a few of Mr. S.... well that didn't last long
lol... he is definitely a photographers child.
Since I am getting back into blogging (we'll see how long this lasts lol) I decided to go back to the beginning of this blog and look around. I feel like I'm reading though an old journal. My
first post was a little over 2 years ago, not that long ago considering our life span, but at the same time seems like it was ages ago! I came across a
belly post I had made while pregnant with Mr. W... a
quote I completely forgot about
... A simple post from when Mr. W was just a wee one (he still is but thinks he's much bigger hehe)... or even Mr. W's first time to a splash pad. Yes I have these memories and I have the photos, but reading the posts just brings back so much more. Having a toddler, being a wife, getting pregnancy brain for the second time and starting a business really keeps you busy. Mr. W is growing up and I feel like I am just missing so much especially since I have been on bed rest this pregnancy and not been able to do as much as I'd like to with him. Not only has Mr. W been growing up before my eyes, but I have made a lot of changes with myself. I have a different outlook on life then what I did 2 years ago. Shoot even a year ago. I've started my own photography business (which is a never ending process) and most importantly I've become a mommy. Jay and I have all the same problems most couples are facing these days, but it truly only makes us stronger. Yes I know that sounds like a cliche, but it is the honest to Gods truth. We are just falling in love more and more each day... the honeymoon is not over and I don't see it ending any time soon :) We have another little monkey due any time now. We are building our family and it just feels so good.
In this day and age, we all really are too busy and forget to deposit these thing into our memory banks, and while I really need to take the time to do this, it is nice to be able to come back to my blog and say "Yeah I remember that day/moment".

Christmas 2008!! I feel like we look so different now!!
(Courtesy of Erica Williams Photography)
And it is so bitter sweet. I love pregnancy and knowing that I helped to create this child. That I carried this baby for 40 weeks (give or take). That I nourished and protected this baby from the outside world. On the flip side, I am SO done! LOL. I can't wait to see and hold my baby. Nurse him. Change his diapers. Watch him grow. Sleep on my stomach. Bend over. Shave my legs without needing a nap afterward. Eat without getting heartburn. Have a stable mood (crying and snapping at people at the drop of the hat is really making me feel a bit bipolar). Get back to my normal routine! Watch Mr. W and no-name baby play with each other. Here are a few pics from this pregnancy.
This past week Jay needed to head up to Flagstaff to turn in some military gear. Since no-name baby is almost here (any day!) we decided to make a day trip of it. Yeah I know I'm crazy for traveling that far this late in the game, but I needed out of the valley of the sun. Despite our recent monsoons and slightly cooler weather, I just needed fresh clean air. Two and a half hours later we went from a hot & sunny 100* to a nice cool and rainy 68* with perfect overcast skies for photos. It was beautiful!! Not only was the weather great, but Old Town Flagstaff just gave me so much inspiration. I can not wait to get back to taking on clients!
I was really hoping we could get a few family shots in, but it just wasn't going to work out. I would definably love to back some day to do family portraits or even take a client. The day we were there would have been perfect for a
trash the dress session! I did manage to get ONE photo in of Mr. W. I can't tell which version I like better, so here is both :)
And I can not believe I will have another one here very shortly! I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful husband that works so very hard in this insane Arizona weather and still comes home in a good mood (I know I wouldn't!!), and to have a fun loving (wild) toddler. He is going to be such a good big brother although our practice doll hasn't gone over so well. He will love and hug the doll and then just chuck the poor thing across the room lol. I am really hoping I do not find this new baby in a closet or something... eeek!!
I was selected to participate with CafeMom's Influencer Program and to test out the Panasonic DMC-ZS7 point and shoot camera, and then give my opinion on the camera. I a will be testing it out with the manual settings it has, along with it's auto settings. So far I have found a few things I do not like, however, I do not know how much of that is due to using a DSLR for everything. I don't think I would pay the cost of $300-400 for it. It has GPS, but it runs down your battery REALLY quick, even when turned off. It gives overall nice images (I will post more here soon) and is great for just throwing into your purse or diaper bag.

Ever since Mr. W discovered floaties he can not be stopped in the pool. He has absolutely no fear of the water which can be a little worry some. He no longer likes for you to touch him while he's swimming and loves jumping into the pool. Unfortunately we've had to cut back on our swimming due to the heat. You get in the pool and it feels as if you are getting in a really warm tub. It's insane!!